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highway control


Argosdyne deploys automatic charging stations and autonomous flying drones near roads to establish a control system that monitors highway regular patrols, surveillance activities, and real-time road conditions.

It is possible to remotely control drones and stations and to understand the road conditions in real time.


In the event of an accident, the drone can be flown immediately to identify the accident situation and prepare a system to respond immediately. 

화면 캡처 2022-03-17 102019.png

You can control road conditions in real time.

Remotely with real-time monitoring

You can control stations and drones.

In case of an accident

Immediate response is possible.

​ Various options for drones such as speakers and searchlights

It can be added to make it more useful.

​ Introduction and quotation inquiry


For introduction and quotation consultation, We request that you fill out the separate form below.

​This is essential information for smooth consultation with customers.please write it downThank you.

Introduction and quotation consultation reception



제품 형태 선택


equipment you want
야간비행 유무

camera specifications

Submission complete!

We will contact you after confirmation.

- Argosdyne -

station specifications

드론 격납 유무
차량 적재 유무
폐쇄망 여부
기상 시스템 유무

Exam conditions

GPS 음영 여부
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